10 Reasons to Go Off-Road Racing

Here are 10 things that off-road racing taught us, or gave us.

9. Skill Progression

Perhaps the legendary Bob “Hurricane” Hannah said it best when describing how off-road riding [and racing] helps develop a rider’s skills. To paraphrase, Hannah said that when riding a track, a rider will gain skill learning that track by thinking about each section of that track, such as jumps, turns and whoops. The rider will develop a pattern of where to apply the brakes and where to get on the throttle to maximize his or her lap time on that particular track. But in off-road racing, Hannah says, “You learn without thinking about it.” Off-road racing presents the most diverse terrain in the world, teaching riders not only how to go fast but also how to go slow fast, such as when picking through boulder-strewn sections. As an off-road racer also becomes more adept at reading terrain, he or she can almost predict the type of obstacles that may loom around the next bend or over the next rise.
