What is the Best Dirtbike Brand? Answer Our Poll Question

Answer our opinion poll and tell us what you consider to be the best dirtbike brand today. Sorry vintage guys, but we’re sticking with current brands!

Time was in the good old days when dirtbike riders were fiercely loyal about which brand they spent their hard-earned cash on while living their dirtbike dreams. To them, the best dirtbike brand was the one they chose.

best dirtbike brand

Never mind that their best dirtbike brand model might have been prone to seizing every other ride or that they were saddled with points-type ignitions that would fail with monotonous regularity.

Carburetors that fouled more than the NBA. Wheels that would shed spokes like a sheepdog sheds summer coat. None of it seemed to matter. Dirtbike riders were committed to their makes. You had your CZ fans, your Maico fans, your Bultaco fans… the list goes on and on. Of course, some would rather switch than fight, but eventually even the most hardcore riders would throw-in the towel and switch to another brand, especially if it was obvious that the company that they considered to be the best dirtbike brand stalled its development and failed to keep up with the rapidly evolving dirtbike world.

These days, we wonder if riders are less loyal if not less passionate. What might be the best dirtbike brand one year could be the worst of the bunch the next. The feverish pace of dirtbike development is such that the major players only seem to be able to stay on top for a saason or two before their class-winning model gets tilled under by something newer and better, and savvy riders often make the switch. Traitors!

best dirtbike brand

Then again, there is still a good reason to be loyal to whichever you consider to be the dirtbike brand, especially if you work on your own machines. It could be because you have a real working knowledge of your machines weak points and know how to fix them, or maybe you have special tools that work with a given brand. Or maybe your own personal best dirtbike brand has more to do with the relationship between you and your local dealer. Good dealer relationships can go a long way toward keeping customers loyal to one brand during lean model years.

We’re curious to know what our readers think is the best dirtbike brand out there. It doesn’t matter whether you race motocrosor off-road, compete in trials, ride dual sport, or just enjoy cowtrailing. Answer our survey and let us know which is your favorite dirtbike brand. Sorry Maico and BSA-type dudes: We’ve tried to narrow our list to include brands that are viable today, not defunct dirtbike brands that were popular in the 1960s or ’70s!
