DirtBikes.com 2014 Holiday Gift Guide–Gifts Priced $50-100

Check out these value-packed Holiday gift ideas in the low- to mid-level price range.


8. Knobby Knife, $64.95
It doesn’t take long to notice a loss of traction from a front or rear tire that isn’t brand new anymore, even though there may be plenty of meat left on the lugs themselves. Accumulated wear and tear from pounding whoops and rocks can quickly round the knobs on any dirtbike tire, rendering it less than effective. The key to good traction lies in keeping those knobs square and sharp, and the Knobby Knife is the perfect tool to help with that. Its powerful, 100-watt heating element heats the tip to over 500 degrees to facilitate cutting through dense rubber, and its patent-pending blade is made of high-quality tool steel so you can quickly and easily sharpen worn knobs. It can be a real money saver, as the Knobby Knife is claimed to be able to give your tire three to five times more life before replacement.
Knobby Knife
1924 Lakewood Avenue
Soddy Daisy, TN 37379

