DirtBikes.com 2015 Holiday Gift Guide–Gifts Priced Under $50

Frugal doesn’t have to mean cheap when it comes to picking out a holiday gift for your favorite dirtbike rider.


Moto-7-Video7. Moto 7-The Movie, $27.95 (DVD), $29.95 (BLu-Ray)
What a perfect gift to check-in at number seven, eh? The Assignment Inc., has delivered another chapter in its “MOTO The Movie” string of films, and this one just happens to be the seventh in the franchise, kinda like Star Wars. The producers say that at Moto-7-The Movie rewrites the moto playbook, with the biggest jumps, the gnarliest tracks, and some of the most remote locations a motorcycle has ever touched. The film’s star-studded cast includes the likes of Blake Baggett, Ken Roczen, Billy Laninovich, Tom Parsons, Kris Foster, Ronnie Renner, Colton Haaker, Anthony Rodriguez, Ryan Sipes, Justin Sipes, Justin Barcia, Adam Enticknap and more. Moto 7 visits Baggett’s newly developed El Chupacabra Ranch in Florida, one of the most gargantuan home tracks ever made, where Baggett and Roczen cut spectacularly fast laps with ease. Three miles away, the movie visits champion moto-trainer Aldon Baker as he tortures…err…trains factory superstars Ryan Dungey, Marvin Musqin and Jason Anderson. The film takes viewers to the Smokey Mountains in Idaho, where the Sipes brothers, Ryan and Justin, attack some of the most beautiful and natural single-track in the country. And there’s more, whole lot more that makes Moto 7-The Movie, a worthy stocking stuffer.
Moto 7-The Movie
Available through MotoXCinema

