The Kurt Caselli Foundation is initiating a drive to develop a concussion management protocol for youth motorcycle racing.

The Kurt Caselli Foundation, named after the late great American off-road and rally racing star, has announced the launch of a new program to create a concussion management protocol for youth motorcycle racing.
The KCF Concussion Management Program, which is being initiated in cooperation with the AMA Youth Hare & Hound Series in which Caselli was champion, is the first of its kind for youth motorcycle racing. The Kurt Caselli Foundation has taken note of fact that nearly every form of youth sports in the country has implemented some type of concussion management protocol, but motorcycle racing did not have one. Recognizing that void, the foundation is taking action. Starting with the Youth Hare & Hound Series, The Kurt Caselli Foundation hopes to bring awareness to the issue of mild traumatic brain injury, educate parents, and youth racers about the risks of repetitive concussions.
Kurt Caselli Foundation medical advisor Chris Alexander, MD, said that the dangers of concussion induced traumatic brain injuries in sports have only come into focus in recent years.
“There can be long lasting brain function deficits and even death with multiple concussive episodes, particularly when concussion occurs prior to complete brain healing from a previous injury,” Alexander said. “These problems are magnified in youth as the speed and extent of recovery are adversely affected in this group. Therefore, it is exceedingly important to implement concussion management programs in youth sports and all sports.”
The Kurt Caselli Foundation will begin collecting concussion baseline data from all youth series competitors using the King-Devick Concussion Test. About the King-Devick Test. According to KCF, it is an easy-to-administer test which can be given on the sidelines of sporting events to increase the detection of concussions in athletes, and it can help to objectively determine whether players should be removed from games. As a result, the King-Devick Test can help prevent the serious consequences of repetitive concussions resulting from an athlete returning to play after a head injury.
The Kurt Caselli Foundation will begin to administer the King-Devick Concussion Test at round four of the AMA National Hare & Hound Series in Lucerne Valley, California, April 24. All testing will be done free of charge for youth racers.
For more information or to donate to the Kuert Caselli Foundation, go to