2. Romaniacs

The Red Bull Romaniacs is another event that has long been a fixture on the world extreme enduro scene. Romaniacs takes place in the heart of Transylvania in Sibiu, Romania, and it was this event that originated the wild urban spectacle of manmade obstacles through the city streets as the prologue. While the prologue gained notoriety from fans, the grueling terrain of the Carpathian Mountains gained respect from the racers, quickly putting Romaniacs on the world scene.
Following the prologue, riders face four days of extreme rally-style racing, where riders navigate using GPS as they wind their way through the gnarled woods and steep slopes of Transylvania, though in recent years the course is also marked.
The event is now heading into its tenth year in 2017. As part of the Red Bull Signature Series, Romaniacs has become a favorite with pro riders and amateurs alike. Along with the Gold class of the elite riders, there are also Silver (expert) and Bronze (hobby) classes. Romaniacs also recently introduced the Iron class, which excludes the “Impossible” sections. But promoters warn that even the Iron class is no “walk in the park.”
2016 Red Bull Romaniacs Day 2 Highlights