Urgent Land Use Alert: Save California OHV Program!

The California OHV program is in trouble once again, and it is up to OHV users and enthusiasts to voice their opposition to its demise. Act now!

Inyo National Forest, California
The California OHV program is being threatened once again, and the BlueRibbon Coalition is urging OHV users and enthusiasts to get involved now to prevent its demise. Here is the media release that the BRC issued this morning:

BRC believes one of the most critical access issues in 2017 is for California OHV recreationists to engage in the battle to reauthorize the current California OHV program (SB742). This is a very complex legislative process. The fight will occur in stages over the next few months. Anti-access groups are hard at work to gut the current program via introduction of SB 249.

Between now and Monday, please write your own letter on your personal, club, or business logo and mail it in ASAP. If you would like to see a copy of your letter hand delivered to the committee before the March 14 hearing, please send it via email to: brdon@sharetrails.org

Your letter does not have to be long. Be respectful and concise. Explain what the California OHV program means to you. You will be asking the Committee Chairman and Committee Members to OPPOSE SB 249 (Allen).

Some of the issues to consider include the California OHV program’s economic impact on rural areas. This national “Gold Standard” of OHV management, has an annual $20 billion economic impact, protects natural and cultural resources, serves approximately 6 million OHV recreationists and partners with county sheriffs/resource conservation districts/conservation groups. Since 80% of OHV recreation occurs on federal lands it also partners with the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, etc.

Again, make your letter short! No more than one page.

For reference on this issue, BRC has attached the 2007 OHV Coalition Letter of Support for SB742 and our BRC March 1, 2017, Letter of Opposition to SB 249.



Mail your letter to:
Honorable Robert M. Hertzberg, Chair
Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee
California State Capitol, Room 4038
Sacramento, CA 95814

Thanks for your attention to this matter!

Don Amador
Western Representative
BlueRibbon Coalition/Sharetrails.org
