Leave it to Joey Mac to engineer the answer to the question nobody has ever asked, a long-travel dirtbike with a choppered-ou front end.
It’s totally do-able, as this video on therealjoeymac Instagram page. We caught this one off of our Motorcycle.com brothers’ home page, where contributor Seth Fargher had the following to say about it:
“Give a guy a bunch of random dirtbike parts, mix in a little creativity, and sprinkle with some southern-fried ingenuity, and his motorcycle might look a lot like this. No, this isn’t something out of a new Mad Max movie, and, yes, it actually runs. Surprisingly well, in fact. The two-stroke exhaust stack is probably our favorite part, although the bike’s skid plate is also quite amusing.”
Amusing is the key word, but that’s just what Joey Mac lives to be. Still, “Why didn’t I think of that?” is a question we’d never ask ourselves.