The video channels will never cease to proliferate compilations of crunching dirtbike crash collections, and DirtBike Lunatic’s YouTube channel has delivered yet another classic round of carnage with its Brutal DirtBike / Motocross Crash Compilation 2016.
The 8-minute video includes a collection of serious wads that take place everywhere from the track to the woods to the desert. Some of these take place at super-high speeds, some at low speeds. Most of them are solo, but some of them come courtesy of a little help from “friends.” The latter are at least a little more comforting because at least there is someone there to hammer the kill switch and prevent a machine from death-revving itself into oblivion.
As usual, it looks like most of the hapless victims in this video walk away without serious injury, so go ahead and laugh at them if you must. Just remember it will be your turn soon.