Is this really the worst dirtbike riding video in the history of dirtbike riding videos?
Well, if the video is from the Cross Training Enduro Skills, we doubt it. The narrator’s voice-over is worth the price of admission on this dirtbike riding video. It always makes us grin. The dialog on this particular dirtbike riding video includes:
“Well you know Youtube videographers have hit rock bottom when they start singing in their own vids. And you also know they have run out of ideas when they use the suggestions of their supporters. For example: hey could you show what a Beta would like like in black plastics? And wouldn’t it be cool if you played that Black Betty song with it? Sigh. So yes I’m continuing to find new depths for online dirt bike vids. Can it sink any lower? Hell yes, let’s get some cat action too. What else? Oh yes you just collect leftover video footage such as this ride in Calgary and just drivel on about totally unrelated topics, with a total disregard for cohesive narrative or plot development. The trick to making a dodgy Youtube channel look better is use free stuff like Google Earth to make it look like you’ve paid for access to spy satellites. But just to get back on the dirt bike topic, some of the scenery was spectacular like this patch of bare trees. I know a lot of greenies just see dirt riders as barbaric environmental vandals and that we have no appreciation for nature… but I’m always blown away by scenery like this and despite the noise of the bike and focusing to stay on the single track I revel in these moments.”
You can check out all of the Cross Training Enduro Skills dirtbike riding video gems on YouTube by clicking the link you just flashed past… That one. Back there.